Social Impact Initiatives

The Druze Council wishes to engage the Global Druze Community with its brethren in Lebanon.






The Social Impact Crowd Investment Fund Initiative (SII-CIF)

impact investment fund via a “Crowd Funding” Platform. These types of platforms, that the community can use to fund its projects include the likes of KickStarter (with over 16 million participants pledging 4.1 million, for 158,153 projects). The projects funded on this platform can serve the interests of shareholders as well as deliver a social impact benefit at the same time.

On the other hand, non profit projects can be launched on platforms such as “Crowdwise” (now owned by gofundme), that is dedicated for non-profit causes (over 5 billion raised, over 50 million donors use it, as well as over 1 million campaigns launched).

The use of these platforms and gateways to our initiatives from our global portal will scale up the involvement of our community around the world and their contributions to both Social Impact Investing, and Non- Profit support projects. These platforms can then be used to “crowd fund” non-profit projects. The methods can vary from direct donations to online sponsored sports events like runs, with contributions from around the world. The benefits can go to fund programs like “No Needy Village is Left Behind”, such as communities in need of free, or inexpensive solar energy micro grids, clean drinking water, elderly subsidized local transport, children without access to educational computing technologies, etc…